The bathroom was bare except for the toilet, the sink, and the mirror that he now stared into, studying his reflection for signs of movement beneath his skin. He could feel them crawling, wriggling beneath his skin. It had begun a few days ago, a slight irritation, almost an itching sensation that hadn't really bothered him, but as it increased in frequency and intensity he found that he couldn't take it anymore.
He turned the hot water on, letting it flow into the sink and letting the small room fill up with steam from the nearly scalding hot water, never taking his eyes off of his reflection even as the mirror began to fog up and obscure it. He had been awake for well over forty-eight hours, and it was beginning to show in the bags beneath his eyes and his tangled, messy hair.
It didn't take long for the steam to irritate them, and he began to feel them move again. First it was that tingling, itching feeling, and then he could feel the pain explode throughout his body. It was most intense in one specific place, however, and he resisted the urge to double over and scream so that he could keep his eyes locked on his reflection as he did what he had to do.
Slowly, very slowly and with the utmost care he lifted the bright, clean straight razor to his left eye, gritting his teeth as he dragged a horizontal line across the center of it, bisecting it cleanly. He hardly felt it, even as his vision lost depth. Finally, he moved his gaze away from the mirror and turned it down into the sink, watching as the fluid dripped from his ruined orb into the porcelain basin.
His hands shook now, freely, as he dropped the razor to the floor. His left socket burned as he felt the wriggling there, and he watched as something dropped out of it and into the sink. Quickly he slammed his right hand down into the basin, getting it wet with hot water and eyeball fluid as he smashed the spider that had crawled out of his head.
Looking into the mirror again, he smiled as the rest of its family began to wriggle free of their prison inside his skull.
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